Please place your family on the waiting list below.
There is no fee to add your child to the waiting list and you can leave at any time.
We will contact you when a childcare opening becomes available.
We maintain one wailing list and fill available child care openings from that list. When an opening becomes available, families will be notified in the order that they were put on the waiting list with priority given to siblings of children already enrolled. Interviews and tours are on a "first-come-first-served" basis and will be scheduled in the order that responses are received. Families who
do not respond within a week will be removed from the waiting list.
Generally all interested families are interviewed before any decision is made. However, in certain circumstances the opening may be offered to a family before all of the scheduled interviews are completed. Parents must submit a completed Enrollment Application, enrollment fee and first weeks' tuition within 24 hours of being offered the opening. If these items are not received within 24 hours
the interview process will continue until the opening is filled.
We know that being on a waiting list can be frustrating, so take a look at these frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers with the hope that this information will be helpful to you while
you wait for a child care opening.
A child care opening can become available sooner than originally anticipated. Feel free to contact us at any time for a waiting list update, or if you have any questions not answered here. Thank you for your patience!
1. How long is the waiting list?
The length of the waiting list varies, but is generally longer for children under two years than for children over two years old.
2. Can I stop in anytime and have a look around?
We're happy to have you visit and take a tour of our facilities! However, in order to provide a safe and secure environment for the children in our care, we ask that you make an appointment instead of just dropping in. Parents of enrolled children are welcome to drop in at any time, however grandparents and other family members should also make an appointment beforehand. (DROP-INS ARE TEMPORARILY POST PONED DUE TO COVID)
3. Will we be told where we are on the list?
The waiting list is always evolving as preferred start dates, etc change. You are more than welcome to contact us at any time to see where you are on the waiting list.
4. What if I find alternative care for my child(ren)?
If your child care needs change in any way we would appreciate a quick email or phone call so that we can keep the waiting list current. Feel free to send updates to your information at any time.
5. What can we do to help get a spot sooner?
One of the most important things you can is to start looking for care as soon as possible! Due to licensing ratios infant openings are especially hard to find, so you should get on a waiting list right away. Don't wait for your baby to be born before you start looking for care.
6. What happens next?
Unfortunately there's nothing else to do except wait. In the meantime, pop into the Parent Corner to see what's happening in the program right now!
We are often asked when we think there will be an opening, and although we can guess based on birthdays, we never know for sure.
Parents with children under two may have a longer wait than parents with children over two. Parents with children who are looking for more than one opening may also have a longer wait.
Most openings in our center occur one at a time. while waiting for a child care opening, feel free to check our our website and social media.
You can view your information and check your status anytime via the portal